Monday, September 29, 2014

Fetish - New Nail Fun

So you all know I LOVE changing the look of my finger nails when I know I'll have a chance to catch them on photo or video before they get well destroyed by cleaning, dishes or any other things that wear at them.

Sooooo today, finally I got paid from insurance which took long enough, I went and did some grocery shopping that I had been waiting to do and while I was there I chipped a nail and didn't want to deal with the rough edge and I needed a new nail file or 2 anyhow. When I found the ones I wanted (need metal ones for my nails) I found a whollllle new selection of nail goodies I hadn't previously found. So I picked some up. Some just fun and flirty and some with ideas of my black light in mind.

Sooo... nail decals in gem/cheetah print, a package of nail polish with at least 2 of 3 nail polishes that will glow under the black light (not sure if the blue will or won't til I test it), some fake nails also with some animal prints on them and then a bit of fun decals that are also neon in hopes they too will glow in the black light.

Anyone that wants to send me some black light meant make-up, I'd be glad to use it in a shoot or 2 or even more! I'm really really wanting some neon body sticks... they are makeup sticks that are meant for black light and from what I can read, they will write on the body.... I can think of a great set and video to do with them!

Soon you'll see the below used... for now, just some images of my newly acquired goodies.

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